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Our People

Our people are the driving force of our overall success and the very core of our line of work. In a period of significant changes, developments and challenges for the Cyprus economy and society, we are called upon to respond by creating a positive environment for our People.

Our people-centered human capital management and development strategy is based on the principles of respect and recognition and aims to help our professionals develop and make full use of their potential, thus offering value to our collaborators.

By supporting our people’s development through continuous training opportunities, we invest in the future through the creation of an environment that provides the knowledge and experience they need to achieve their full potential.

We are committed to continue developing our human capital responsibly and transparently, so as to nurture the appropriate work environment that will allow our professionals to grow and consequently add value to the services offered to our Collaborators.

Organisational Structure
Areas of Work

The Office of the Director General is responsible for an array of activities, including the design of programmes and services, the Foundation’s business development as well as legal and regulatory matters. It monitors the implementation of RIF’s strategic goals and initiatives, the upgrading of its services and its digital transformation. It is responsible for the collection and analysis of data from internal and external sources. With the aim of strengthening cross-cooperation and the development of its professionals, it defines specific cross-activities, which are carried out by members of the Office of the Director General in collaboration with members from all other Departments. These cross-activities focus around the areas of Research, Innovation, Knowledge Transfer and Business Development. The Office of the Director General also supports the Chief Scientist for Research and Innovation.

Human Resources and Administration Services is responsible for managing all matters related to human capital management, including the professional development and training of RIF’s professionals. It is also responsible for managing RIF’s administrative services, including internal communications and knowledge sharing between departments.

The Funding Programmes department is responsible for managing all of RIF’s Nationally-Funded programs. It manages the “end-to-end” process of submission and evaluation of proposals for RIF’s Nationally-Funded projects, it is responsible for the preparation of contracts and monitoring the implementation of approved projects. It also provides value-added services to RIF’s Collaborators.

The Department is responsible for all financial matters, including the preparation and monitoring of RIF’s budget, accounting, procurement and auditing of approved projects. It works in collaboration with the Director General’s Office and all other Departments to carry out its work. It is also responsible for managing RIF’s Information Technology matters.  Additionally, European Programmes has been entrusted with the role of Cyprus’ National Contact Point for the «European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation». It is responsible for providing support to RIF’s Collaborators in European-Funded opportunities that match their project ideas. It offers information and advice to RIF’s Collaborators on open and upcoming calls for proposals and project ideas, it organizes information-days and publicises events relevant to the Programme. It assists RIF’s Collaborators in preparing proposals through the organization of workshops, holding mock interviews, providing advice on project management and reviewing proposals before submission. It also supports RIF’s Collaborators in identifying potential Partners for building consortia and participating in international brokerage events.

Our People
Loukaidis Theodoros Director General
Dr. Speser Leah  Technology Transfer and Commercialization Senior Consultant
Kountouridou Litsa Scientific Officer A’
Spanos Mattheos Scientific Officer A’
Makri Constantina Scientific Officer
Bitoulas Charisis Communication Officer
Petridou Stalo Special Adviser at the DG’s Office
Anastassiadou Charis Head of Human Resources and Administration Services
Poyiatzi Andri Administrative Assistant A’
Yiangou Elena Administrative Assistant
Erotokritou Despo Administrative Assistant
Theodoulou Nasia Administrative Assistant
Kapiri Artemis Administrative Assistant
Papageorgiou Maria Administrative Assistant
Paraskeva Marilena Head of Funding Programmes
Christoforou Anna Maria Scientific Officer A’
Kleanthous Georgia Scientific Officer A’
Nicolaidou Katia Scientific Officer A’
Portokallides Marinos Scientific Officer A’
Skoufari-Themistou Leda Scientific Officer A’
Alexandraki Savvia Special Scientist
Velli Vaia Scientific Officer
Economou Mary Special Scientist
Constantinou Andria Special Scientist
Kambanellas Stavros Scientific Officer
Lazarou Irene Special Scientist
Mouskou Evangelia Special Scientist
Photiades Marinos Scientific Officer
Socratous Maria Scientific Officer
Hadjistyllis Andreas Scientific Officer
Chrysafi Rebecca Scientific Officer
Charalambous Christos Head of Financial Services, IT & European Programmes
Christoforidou Alexia Accounting Officer
Mavromichalis Marinos Accounting Officer
Mylordos Polykarpos Accounting Officer
Ioulianos Antonis Scientific Officer A’
Theocharous Christakis Scientific Officer A’
Trillidou Marcia Scientific Officer A’
Kaffa Nedi Scientific Officer
Karakasidou Katerina Scientific Officer
Ntantos Angelos Scientific Officer
Christou Giorgos Scientific Officer
Andreou Maria Scientific Officer
Leontiou Panayiotis Special Scientist
Leonidou Froso Assistant Accounting Officer Α’
Makriyianni Georgia  Assistant Accounting Officer
Malachouridou Chryso Assistant Accounting Officer
Mavrou Kolokotroni Skevi Assistant Accounting Officer
Timini Dina Assistant Accounting Officer
Christodoulou Themis Assistant Accounting Officer
Karnavalou Rafaela Assistant Accounting Officer
Georgiou Theodoros External IT Support
Poulli Elena Scientific Officer A’
Gavriel Eleana Scientific Officer
Tsoumpanou Lina Scientific Officer
Papatryfonos Charalambos Scientific Officer
Nasia Zanti Communication Officer
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