IRIS Portal

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Studies and Statistical Data
Assessment of National Programmes & Actions

RIF pays particular attention to the evaluation of the outcomes and the impact of its Research and Innovation Programmes over time, taking into account a number of issues including, among others, the development of new products and services, the creation of a critical mass of researchers and innovative entrepreneurs, the establishment of cutting-edge research infrastructure, the creation of new jobs, etc.

In addition to the statistical data collected from time to time by the RIF regarding the participation of individuals and organisations in national and European Programmes, the evaluation of its programmes, services and activities is carried out by external experts.

Cyprus RTDI Statistics

Collecting, evaluating and analysing Research and Innovation (R&I) related statistical data at national level is a useful tool with various practical applications such as: providing R&I information to the public and the ecosystem, understanding the outcomes and impact, planning future actions and initiatives, taking timely decisions at strategy and policy level.

RIF systematically collects data and produces statistics relating to the participation in R&I Programmes and other initiatives, provides data to competent national and European authorities.  In addition, RIF monitors and processes data reports prepared by other competent bodies in Cyprus and abroad.

For the full list of beneficiaries click here.

The Table has been prepared for transparency and publicity purposes and contains the cumulative aid per beneficiary for the period 2016-May 2024

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