COST Info Day

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), organises an Info Day in order to present the opportunities that COST offers to researchers. The event will take place on the 23 February 2021, 09:30 – 11:00 CET and the detailed agenda is available here. Among other topics, the event will present what COST is and how can researchers participate, what type of activities are reimbursed by COST, tips and tricks on submitting a proposal for the creation of a new COST Action and more.

To access the event, interested researchers should follow the relevant ZOOM link and use the passcode 182403. The event will be livestreamed via COST’s YouTube channel. Questions can be submitted before and during the event via Slido (passcode #84984A).

COST, is a European funding organisation, that provides networking opportunities to researchers, in order to strengthen Europe’s ability to face scientific, technological and social challenges. Specifically, COST funds the establishment of networks, called COST Actions, that offer an open space for collaboration among scientists in Europe and beyond. For the purpose of the evaluation of the Open Call, COST collaborates with a great number of experts.

For more information on COST, please contact RIF’s Scientific Officer in charge of the initiative, Ms Katerina Karakasidou Malla (tel: 22 205036, email: [email protected]).