Summary of the results of the M-ERA.NET 2 Calls 2016-2020 published

Cyprus, through the Research and Innovation Foundation, participates in a series of European Initiatives (Joint Programming Initiatives, ERA-NET COFUND and Programmes under the Article 185 of the EU Treaty), which aim at coordinating the funding of research activity and the establishment of research priorities at a pan-European level, through the design and implementation of Joint Research Programmes.

One of these initiatives is the network M-ERA.NET 2 which aims to strengthen research and development activities in the field of materials science and engineering as well as energy related applications. RIF participated in the network since its foundation in 2016. A total 43 partners from 29 countries participated in the network.

Within the duration of M-ERA.NET 2, a total of 5 Calls for Proposals were announced. RIF participated in 3 Calls with a total of 20 proposals. 7 of those proposals were selected for funding through a competitive evaluation procedure run by the network. Combined national, regional and European funding of 125 mio. € was mobilised to support 763 research groups across Europe and beyond.

Recently, M-ERA.NET 2 published a booklet “Results of the M-ERA.NET 2 Calls 2016 -2020” which includes statistics from all 5 Calls for Proposals and a summary of the projects funded within the duration of M-ERA.NET 2.